# HG changeset patch
# User smith@nwoca.org
# Date 1420065345 0
# Node ID 8400a7db1330f14a8c1892a81a5bfa635c5338ad
# Parent e3c55e83c9a4b6fb24227db7f9751dda581764d9
USASR-1307: update templates to groovydoc 2.3.6
diff -r e3c55e83c9a4 -r 8400a7db1330 build.gradle
--- a/build.gradle Fri Jan 17 18:16:29 2014 +0000
+++ b/build.gradle Wed Dec 31 22:35:45 2014 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-apply from: "${gradle.hasProperty('ssdtDevelkitLocation') ? gradle.ssdtDevelkitLocation :'http://hg.ssdt-ohio.org/browse/public/develkit'}/init.gradle"
+def ssdtInit = GradleVersion.current() < GradleVersion.version('2.0') ? 'init' : 'init20'
+apply from: "${gradle.ext.has('ssdtDevelkitLocation') ? gradle.ssdtDevelkitLocation : 'http://hg.ssdt-ohio.org/browse/public/develkit'}/${ssdtInit}.gradle"
description = "SSDT Gradle Plugins"
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
dependencies {
- groovy localGroovy()
+ compile localGroovy()
compile gradleApi()
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.10'
diff -r e3c55e83c9a4 -r 8400a7db1330 src/main/groovy/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/doc/tools/UserClassDocProxy.groovy
--- a/src/main/groovy/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/doc/tools/UserClassDocProxy.groovy Fri Jan 17 18:16:29 2014 +0000
+++ b/src/main/groovy/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/doc/tools/UserClassDocProxy.groovy Wed Dec 31 22:35:45 2014 +0000
@@ -18,4 +18,6 @@
+ def propertyMissing(String name) { getAdaptee()."$name" }
diff -r e3c55e83c9a4 -r 8400a7db1330 src/main/resources/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/userdoc/templates/classDocName.html
--- a/src/main/resources/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/userdoc/templates/classDocName.html Fri Jan 17 18:16:29 2014 +0000
+++ b/src/main/resources/org/ssdt_ohio/gradle/userdoc/templates/classDocName.html Wed Dec 31 22:35:45 2014 +0000
@@ -1,651 +1,735 @@
- classDoc = new org.ssdt_ohio.gradle.doc.tools.UserClassDocProxy().wrap(classDoc)
- def title = classDoc.name() + (props.docTitle ? " (${props.docTitle})" : "")
- def isVisible = { it.isPublic() || (it.isProtected() && props.protectedScope == 'true') || (!it.isProtected() && !it.isPrivate() && props.packageScope == 'true') || props.privateScope == 'true' }
- def isVisibleExt = { t -> java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isPublic(t.modifiers) || java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isProtected(t.modifiers) }
- def visibleFields = classDoc.fields().findAll(isVisible)
- def visibleProperties = classDoc.properties() // props visible be defn
- def visibleMethods = classDoc.methods().findAll(isVisible)
- def visibleConstructors = classDoc.constructors().findAll(isVisible)
- def visibleNested = classDoc.innerClasses().findAll(isVisible)
- boolean hasFields = !classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleFields
- boolean hasProperties = !classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleProperties
- boolean hasElements = classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleFields
- boolean methodSummaryShown = visibleMethods
- boolean fieldSummaryShown = hasFields
- boolean hasEnumConstants = classDoc.enumConstants()
- def dolink = { t, boolean b ->
- boolean isArray = false
- if (!t || t instanceof String) {
- return (classDoc.getDocUrl(t, b) -'java.util.' - 'java.lang.')
- }
- if (t instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ArrayClassDocWrapper) {
- t = t.delegate
- isArray = true
- }
- if (t instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
- if (t.fullPathName == 'def') return classDoc.getDocUrl("java.lang.Object def", b)
- return "" + ( (b ? t.qualifiedTypeName() : t.name() ) - "java.lang." - "java.util." ) + "" + (isArray ? "[]" : "")
- }
- return ( classDoc.getDocUrl(t.qualifiedTypeName(), b) - 'java.util.' - 'java.lang.' ) + (isArray ? "[]" : "")
- }
- def linkfull = { t -> dolink(t, true) }
- def linkable = { t -> dolink(t, false) }
- def modifiersWithIgnore = { t, boolean ignorePublic ->
- (t.isPrivate()?"private ":"") +
- (t.isPublic() && !ignorePublic?"public ":"") +
- (t.isProtected()?"protected ":"") +
- (t.isStatic()?"static ":"") +
- (t.isFinal()?"final ":"") +
- (t.respondsTo('isAbstract') && t.isAbstract()?"abstract ":"")
- }
- def modifiers = { t -> modifiersWithIgnore(t, classDoc.isGroovy()) }
- def modifiersBrief = { t ->
- (t.isPrivate()?"private ":"") +
- (t.isProtected()?"protected ":"") +
- (t.isStatic()?"static ":"")
- }
- def annotations = { t, sepChar ->
- t.annotations() ? t.annotations().collect {
-// it.isTypeAvailable() ? '@'+linkable(it.type().name())+(it.description()-('@'+it.type().name())): it.description()
- it.description()
- }.join(sepChar) + sepChar : ''
- }
- def elementTypes = [
- "required":"true",
- "optional":"false"
- ]
- def isRequired = { f, v ->
- def req = f.constantValueExpression() == null; req.toString() == v
- }
- def upcase = { n -> n[0].toUpperCase() + n[1..-1] }
- def paramsOf = { n, boolean brief -> n.parameters().collect{ param -> (brief?'':annotations(param, ' ')) + linkable(param.isTypeAvailable()?param.type():param.typeName()) + (param.vararg()?'... ':' ') + param.name() + (param.defaultValue() ? " = " + param.defaultValue():"") }.join(", ") }
- def nameFromParams = { n -> n.name() + '(' + n.parameters().collect{ param -> param.isTypeAvailable()?param.type().qualifiedTypeName():param.typeName() }.join(', ') + ')' }
- def nameFromJavaParams = { n -> n.name + '(' + n.parameterTypes.collect{ param -> param.name }.join(', ') + ')' }
-def pkg = classDoc.containingPackage().nameWithDots()
-if (pkg != "DefaultPackage") {
-<% } %>
- ${classDoc.typeDescription} ${classDoc.name()}
-def parents = classDoc.isInterface() ? classDoc.parentInterfaces : classDoc.parentClasses
-if (parents.size() >= 2) {
- %><%
- parents.eachWithIndex { p, i ->
- %>${(i > 0 ? " " * i + " " * (i - 1) + "
" : "") + ( i == parents.size() - 1 ? p.qualifiedTypeName() : linkfull(p))}\n<%
- }
- %>
-if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
- Set interfaces = classDoc.parentInterfaces
- interfaces -= classDoc
- if (interfaces) {
- %>- All Superinterfaces:
- ${interfaces.collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
- }
-} else {
- // TODO follow up the tree collecting interfaces seen?
- def interfaces = classDoc.interfaces()
- if (interfaces) {
- %>- All Implemented Interfaces:
- ${interfaces.collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
- }
-${annotations(classDoc, '\n') + modifiers(classDoc) + classDoc.typeSourceDescription + ' ' + classDoc.name()}
-<% if (classDoc.isInterface() && classDoc.interfaces()) {
-%>extends ${classDoc.interfaces().collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
-<% } else if (classDoc.superclass()) {
-%>extends ${linkable(classDoc.superclass())}
-<% } %>
-<% if (classDoc.commentText()) { %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (visibleNested) { %>
- Nested Class Summary |
- <% for (c in visibleNested) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(c) + c.typeSourceDescription} |
- ${linkable(c)}
- ${c.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasEnumConstants) { %>
- Enum Constant Summary |
- <% for (ec in classDoc.enumConstants()) { %>
- ${ec.name()}
- ${ec.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasFields) { %>
- Field Summary |
- <% for (field in visibleFields) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(field) + linkable(field.type())} |
- ${field.name()}
- ${field.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% }
- classes = []
- if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
- classes.addAll(classDoc.interfaces().toList())
- } else {
- if (classDoc.superclass()) classes += classDoc.superclass()
- else classes += new org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ExternalGroovyClassDoc(Object.class)
- }
- visited = [classDoc] as Set
- while (classes) {
- Set nextLevel = []
- classes.each { c ->
- if (c.isInterface()) nextLevel.addAll(c.interfaces().toList())
- else if (c.superclass() && c.qualifiedTypeName() != 'java.lang.Object') nextLevel += c.superclass()
- nextLevel -= visited
- visited += nextLevel
- def list = []
- if (c instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
- list = c.fields().findAll(isVisible).collect { field ->
- "${field.name()}"
- }
- } else {
- list = c.externalClass().fields.findAll{ isVisibleExt(it) }.collect { field ->
- // "${field.name()}"
- field.name
- }
- }
- if (list) {
- if (!fieldSummaryShown) {
- fieldSummaryShown = true
- %>
- <%
- }
- %>
- Fields inherited from ${c.typeSourceDescription} ${linkable(c)}
- |
- ${list.join(', ')} |
- <%
- }
- }
- classes = nextLevel
- }
-<% if (hasProperties) { %>
- Property Summary |
- <% for (prop in visibleProperties) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(prop) + linkable(prop.type())} |
- ${prop.name()}
- ${prop.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasElements) { %>
- <% elementTypes.each { k, v -> %>
- <% if (visibleFields.any{ isRequired(it, v) }) { %>
- ${upcase(k)} Element Summary |
- <% for (element in visibleFields) { %>
- <% if (isRequired(element, v)) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(element) + element.type().typeName()} |
- ${element.name()}
- ${element.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
- <% } %>
- <% } %>
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (visibleConstructors) { %>
- Constructor Summary |
- <% for (constructor in visibleConstructors) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(constructor)}${constructor.name()}(${paramsOf(constructor, true)})
- ${constructor.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (visibleMethods) { %>
- Method Summary |
- <% for (method in visibleMethods) { %>
- ${modifiersBrief(method)}${linkable(method.returnType())}
- |
- ${method.name()}(${paramsOf(method, true)})
- ${method.firstSentenceCommentText()}
- |
- <% } %>
-<% }
- Set classes = []
- if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
- classes.addAll(classDoc.interfaces().toList())
- } else {
- if (classDoc.superclass()) classes += classDoc.superclass()
- else classes += new org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ExternalGroovyClassDoc(Object.class)
- }
- Set visited = [classDoc] as Set
- while (classes) {
- Set nextLevel = []
- classes.each { c ->
- if (c.isInterface()) nextLevel.addAll(c.interfaces().toList())
- else if (c.superclass() && c.qualifiedTypeName() != 'java.lang.Object') nextLevel += c.superclass()
- nextLevel -= visited
- visited += nextLevel
- def list = []
- if (c instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
- list = c.methods().findAll(isVisible).collect { method ->
- "${method.name()}"
- }
- } else {
- list = c.externalClass().methods.findAll{ isVisibleExt(it) }.collect { method ->
- linkable(c.externalClass().name + "#" + nameFromJavaParams(method) + " " + method.name)
- }
- }
- if (list) {
- if (!methodSummaryShown) {
- methodSummaryShown = true
- %>
- <%
- }
- %>
- Methods inherited from ${c.typeSourceDescription} ${linkable(c)}
- |
- ${list.join(', ')} |
- <%
- }
- }
- classes = nextLevel
- }
-<% if (hasEnumConstants) { %>
- Enum Constant Detail |
- <% for (ec in classDoc.enumConstants()) { %>
- ${ec.name()}
- ${modifiers(ec) + '' + classDoc.name() + ''} ${ec.name()}
- - ${ec.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasFields) { %>
- <% for (field in visibleFields) { %>
- ${field.name()}
- ${annotations(field, '\n') + modifiersWithIgnore(field, false) + linkable(field.type())} ${field.name()}
- - ${field.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasProperties) { %>
- Property Detail |
- <% for (prop in visibleProperties) { %>
- ${prop.name()}
- ${annotations(prop, '\n') + modifiers(prop) + linkable(prop.type())} ${prop.name()}
- - ${prop.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (hasElements) { %>
- <% for (element in visibleFields) { %>
- ${element.name()}
- ${modifiers(element) + linkable(element.type())} ${element.name()}
- - ${element.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (visibleConstructors) { %>
- Constructor Detail |
- <% for (constructor in visibleConstructors) { %>
- ${constructor.name()}
- ${annotations(constructor, '\n') + modifiers(constructor)}${constructor.name()}(${paramsOf(constructor, false)})
- - ${constructor.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
-<% if (visibleMethods) { %>
- <% for (method in visibleMethods) { %>
- ${method.name()}
- ${annotations(method, '\n') + modifiers(method)}${linkable(method.returnType())} ${method.name()}(${paramsOf(method, false)})
- - ${method.commentText()}
- <% } %>
-<% } %>
+ println "Generating for $classDoc (${classDoc.class})"
+ classDoc = new org.ssdt_ohio.gradle.doc.tools.UserClassDocProxy().wrap(classDoc)
+ def title = classDoc.name() + (props.docTitle ? " (${props.docTitle})" : "")
+ def isVisible = { it.isPublic() || (it.isProtected() && props.protectedScope == 'true') || (!it.isProtected() && !it.isPrivate() && props.packageScope == 'true') || props.privateScope == 'true' }
+ def isVisibleExt = { t -> java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isPublic(t.modifiers) || java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isProtected(t.modifiers) }
+ def visibleFields = classDoc.fields().findAll(isVisible)
+ def visibleProperties = classDoc.properties() // props visible be defn
+ def visibleMethods = classDoc.methods().findAll(isVisible)
+ def visibleConstructors = classDoc.constructors().findAll(isVisible)
+ def visibleNested = classDoc.innerClasses().findAll(isVisible)
+ boolean hasFields = !classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleFields
+ boolean hasProperties = !classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleProperties
+ boolean hasElements = classDoc.isAnnotationType() && visibleFields
+ boolean methodSummaryShown = visibleMethods
+ boolean fieldSummaryShown = hasFields
+ boolean hasEnumConstants = classDoc.enumConstants()
+ def dolink = { t, boolean b ->
+ boolean isArray = false
+ if (!t || t instanceof String) {
+ return (classDoc.getDocUrl(t, b) -'java.util.' - 'java.lang.')
+ }
+ if (t instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ArrayClassDocWrapper) {
+ t = t.delegate
+ isArray = true
+ }
+ if (t instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
+ if (t.fullPathName == 'def') return classDoc.getDocUrl("java.lang.Object def", b)
+ return "" + ( (b ? t.qualifiedTypeName() : t.name() ) - "java.lang." - "java.util." ) + "" + (isArray ? "[]" : "")
+ }
+ return ( classDoc.getDocUrl(t.qualifiedTypeName(), b) - 'java.util.' - 'java.lang.' ) + (isArray ? "[]" : "")
+ }
+ def linkfull = { t -> dolink(t, true) }
+ def linkable = { t -> dolink(t, false) }
+ def modifiersWithIgnore = { t, boolean ignorePublic ->
+ (t.isPrivate()?"private ":"") +
+ (t.isPublic() && !ignorePublic?"public ":"") +
+ (t.isProtected()?"protected ":"") +
+ (t.isStatic()?"static ":"") +
+ (t.isFinal()?"final ":"") +
+ (t.respondsTo('isAbstract') && t.isAbstract()?"abstract ":"")
+ }
+ def modifiers = { t -> modifiersWithIgnore(t, classDoc.isGroovy()) }
+ def modifiersBrief = { t ->
+ (t.isPrivate()?"private ":"") +
+ (t.isProtected()?"protected ":"") +
+ (t.isStatic()?"static ":"")
+ }
+ def annotations = { t, sepChar ->
+ t.annotations() ? t.annotations().collect {
+// it.isTypeAvailable() ? '@'+linkable(it.type().name())+(it.description()-('@'+it.type().name())): it.description()
+ it.description()
+ }.join(sepChar) + sepChar : ''
+ }
+ def elementTypes = [
+ "required":"true",
+ "optional":"false"
+ ]
+ def isRequired = { f, v ->
+ def req = f.constantValueExpression() == null; req.toString() == v
+ }
+ def upcase = { n -> n[0].toUpperCase() + n[1..-1] }
+ def paramsOf = { n, boolean brief -> n.parameters().collect{ param -> (brief?'':annotations(param, ' ')) + linkable(param.isTypeAvailable()?param.type():param.typeName()) + (param.vararg()?'... ':' ') + param.name() + (param.defaultValue() ? " = " + param.defaultValue():"") }.join(", ") }
+ def nameFromParams = { n -> n.name() + '(' + n.parameters().collect{ param -> param.isTypeAvailable()?param.type().qualifiedTypeName():param.typeName() }.join(', ') + ')' }
+ def nameFromJavaParams = { n -> n.name + '(' + n.parameterTypes.collect{ param -> param.name }.join(', ') + ')' }
+ ${title}
+def parents = classDoc.isInterface() ? classDoc.parentInterfaces : classDoc.parentClasses
+if (parents.size() >= 2) {
+ parents.eachWithIndex { p, i ->
+ %>- <%
+ if ( i == parents.size() - 1) {
+ out << p.qualifiedTypeName()
+ } else {
+ %>
+ }
+ }
+ -
+if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
+ Set interfaces = classDoc.parentInterfaces
+ interfaces -= classDoc
+ if (interfaces) {
+ %>
+ - All Superinterfaces:
+ - ${interfaces.collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
+ }
+} else {
+ // TODO follow up the tree collecting interfaces seen?
+ def interfaces = classDoc.interfaces()
+ if (interfaces) {
+ %>
+ - All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
+ - ${interfaces.collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
+${annotations(classDoc, '\n') + modifiers(classDoc) + classDoc.typeSourceDescription + ' ' + classDoc.name()}
+<% if (classDoc.isInterface() && classDoc.interfaces()) {
+%>extends ${classDoc.interfaces().collect{ linkable(it) }.join(', ')}
+<% } else if (classDoc.superclass()) {
+%>extends ${linkable(classDoc.superclass())}
+<% } %>
+<% } %>
+<% } %>
+<% if (classDoc.commentText()) { %>
+ ${classDoc.commentText()}
+<% } %>
+ -
+ <% if (visibleNested) { %>
+ -
Nested Class Summary
+ Nested classes
+ Modifiers |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ <% visibleNested.eachWithIndex { c, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(c) + c.typeSourceDescription} |
+ ${linkable(c)} |
+ ${c.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } %>
+ <% if (hasEnumConstants) { %>
+ -
Enum Constants Summary
+ Enum constants classes
+ Enum constant |
+ Description |
+ <% classDoc.enumConstants().eachWithIndex { ec, i -> %>
+ ${ec.name()} |
+ ${ec.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } %>
+ <%
+ def buffer = new StringBuilder()
+ classes = []
+ if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
+ classes.addAll(classDoc.interfaces().toList())
+ } else {
+ if (classDoc.superclass()) classes += classDoc.superclass()
+ else classes += new org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ExternalGroovyClassDoc(Object.class)
+ }
+ visited = [classDoc] as Set
+ while (classes) {
+ Set nextLevel = []
+ classes.eachWithIndex { c,i ->
+ if (c.isInterface()) nextLevel.addAll(c.interfaces().toList())
+ else if (c.superclass() && c.qualifiedTypeName() != 'java.lang.Object') nextLevel += c.superclass()
+ nextLevel -= visited
+ visited += nextLevel
+ def list = []
+ if (c instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
+ list = c.fields().findAll(isVisible).collect { field ->
+ "${field.name()}"
+ }
+ } else {
+ list = c.externalClass().fields.findAll{ isVisibleExt(it) }.collect { field ->
+ // "${field.name()}"
+ field.name
+ }
+ }
+ if (list) {
+ buffer << """
+ ${c.typeSourceDescription} ${linkable(c)} |
+ ${list.join(', ')} |
+ }
+ }
+ classes = nextLevel
+ }
+ if (hasFields || buffer.length()>0) { %>
+ <%
+ if (hasFields) { %>
+ -
Field Summary
+ Fields
+ Modifiers |
+ Name |
+ Description |
+ <% visibleFields.eachWithIndex { field, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(field) + linkable(field.type())} |
+ ${field.name()} |
+ ${field.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } // if (hasFields)
+ if ((buffer.length())>0) { %>
+ -
+ Inherited fields
+ Fields inherited from class |
+ Fields |
+ ${buffer}
+ <% } // if buffer %>
+ <% } // if hasFields or buffer %>
+ <% if (hasProperties) { %>
+ -
Properties Summary
+ Properties
+ Type |
+ Name and description |
+ <% visibleProperties.eachWithIndex { prop, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(prop) + linkable(prop.type())} |
+ ${prop.name()} ${prop.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } %>
+ <% if (hasElements) { %>
+ -
Element Summary
+ <% elementTypes.each { k, v ->
+ %><%
+ if (visibleFields.any{ isRequired(it, v) }) { %>
+ ${upcase(k)} Element Summary
+ Type |
+ Name and Description |
+ <% visibleFields.findAll {isRequired(it, v)}.eachWithIndex { element, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(element) + linkable(element.type())} |
+ ${element.name()} ${element.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% }
+ } //elementTypes.each %>
+ <% } %>
+ <% if (visibleConstructors) { %>
+ -
Constructor Summary
+ Constructors
+ Constructor and description |
+ <% visibleConstructors.eachWithIndex { constructor, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(constructor)}${constructor.name()}
+ (${paramsOf(constructor, true)}) ${constructor.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } %>
+ <%
+ buffer = new StringBuilder()
+ Set classes = []
+ if (classDoc.isInterface()) {
+ classes.addAll(classDoc.interfaces().toList())
+ } else {
+ if (classDoc.superclass()) classes += classDoc.superclass()
+ else if (!classDoc.isTrait()) classes += new org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.ExternalGroovyClassDoc(Object.class)
+ }
+ Set visited = [classDoc] as Set
+ while (classes) {
+ Set nextLevel = []
+ classes.eachWithIndex { c,i ->
+ if (c.isInterface()) nextLevel.addAll(c.interfaces().toList())
+ else if (c.superclass() && c.qualifiedTypeName() != 'java.lang.Object') nextLevel += c.superclass()
+ nextLevel -= visited
+ visited += nextLevel
+ def list = []
+ if (c instanceof org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyClassDoc) {
+ list = c.methods().findAll(isVisible).collect { method ->
+ "${method.name()}"
+ }
+ } else {
+ list = c.externalClass().methods.findAll{ isVisibleExt(it) }.collect { method ->
+ linkable(c.externalClass().name + "#" + nameFromJavaParams(method) + " " + method.name)
+ }
+ }
+ if (list) {
+ buffer << """
+ ${c.typeSourceDescription} ${linkable(c)} |
+ ${list.join(', ')} |
+ }
+ }
+ classes = nextLevel
+ }
+ if (visibleMethods || buffer.length()>0) { %>
+ <% if (visibleMethods) { %>
+ -
Methods Summary
+ Methods
+ Type |
+ Name and description |
+ <% visibleMethods.eachWithIndex { method, i -> %>
+ ${modifiersBrief(method)}${linkable(method.returnType())} |
+ ${method.name()}(${paramsOf(method, true)}) ${method.firstSentenceCommentText()} |
+ <% } %>
+ <% } // if (visibleMethods)
+ if (buffer.length()>0) {
+ %>
+ -
Inherited Methods Summary
+ Inherited Methods
+ Methods inherited from class |
+ Name |
+ ${buffer}
+ <%
+ } // if buffer.length%>
+ <% } %>
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Method Detail
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