changeset 220:f6150996053f

DEP-11: remove release script. now part of gradle init
date Fri, 01 Jul 2016 20:56:37 +0100 (2016-07-01)
parents efa545c6dd65
children 837c9249053f
files scripts/release.groovy
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/release.groovy	Fri Jul 01 20:56:04 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-import groovy.transform.Sortable
-import groovy.transform.ToString
-import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor
- This script implements the SSDT branching strategy based on hg flow
- and dependency resolution locking.
- The intention is to automate of creation of correctly configured release branches.
- The script tries to do the right thing based on standard SSDT project structures,
- but it is the user's responsibility to ensure it's correct.
- The script does NOT "hg push --new-branch".   That step is left for you
- if the branch was created correctly.
-def branch = new BranchInfo()
-println "Project:\n"
-println "\trepo\t${("hg path".execute().text.split('=') ?: ['', ''])[1].trim()}"
-println "\tbranch\t$branch"
-println "\tversion\t$branch.version"
-println "-" * 40
-println ""
-if (args.size() < 1) {
-	println """	
-	usage:  release.groovy {major|minor|patch|n.n.n}\n
-	  e.g:  release.groovy minor
-	If "major", "minor" or "patch" is specified, then the release version is
-	calculated based on the current branch.  Otherwise specify a specific version.
-	If release ends in ".0", then will create 'release' stream, otherwise 'hotfix'.
-	For hotfix, current working branch should be the release branch being hotfix'ed.
-	Recommend that this script be executed in a fresh clone of the repo.
-	** Any uncommitted changes in the working directory will be committed with
-	   the initial setting of the version. These are assumed to be
-	   'latest.integration' changes.
-	System.exit(0)
-def releaseVersion
-if ( args[0] == 'major') {
-	releaseVersion = branch.version.nextMajor()
-} else if ( args[0] == 'minor') {
-	releaseVersion = branch.version.nextMinor()
-} else if ( args[0] == 'patch') {
-	releaseVersion = branch.version.nextPatch()
-} else {
-	releaseVersion = new Version(*args[0].split('\\.')*.toInteger())
-def hotfix = releaseVersion.patch > 0
-def stream = hotfix ? 'hotfix' : 'release'
-println "Preparing to create $stream branch for version $releaseVersion"
-println "hg flow $stream start v${releaseVersion} --dry-run".execute().text
-println "Continue? Enter = Yes, ^C to cancel"
-println "hg flow ${stream} start v${releaseVersion} --dirty".execute().text
-println "hg update ${stream}/v${releaseVersion}".execute().text
-println "Starting dependency lock via gradle... (please wait)"
-println "cmd /c gradlew.bat deleteGlobalLock generateGlobalLock saveGlobalLock".execute().text
-println 'hg commit -A release.lock -m "lock dynamic dependencies for release"'.execute().text
-println "Created $releaseVersion $stream branch with locked dynamic dependencies."
-println "   Verify the branch and release.lock file created correctly then push the new branch."
-println "   If any problems, then delete repo and clone a fresh copy repository."
-def checkForSnapshots() {
-		def lines = new File('').readLines() + new File('build.gradle').readLines()
-		def snapshots = lines.collect { it.trim() }.findAll{ 
-			it.contains('.SNAPSHOT') && !it.startsWith('version=') ||
-			it.contains('latest.') && (it.startsWith('compile') || it.startsWith('runtime'))
-		}
-		if (snapshots) {
-			println "project contains SNAPSHOT dependencies: \n\t" + snapshots.join('\n\t')
-			System.exit(1)
-		}
-class Version {
-	Integer major = 0
-	Integer minor = 0
-	Integer patch = 0
-	Boolean snapshot = false
-	Version nextMajor() {
-		new Version(major + 1, 0, 0)
-	}
-	Version nextMinor() {
-		if (snapshot) {
-			new Version(major, minor , 0)
-		} else {
-			new Version(major, minor + 1, 0)
-		}
-	}
-	Version nextSnapshot() {
-		new Version(major, minor + 1, 0,true)
-	}
-	Version nextPatch() {
-		new Version(major, minor, patch + 1)
-	}
-	String toString() {
-		"${major}.${minor}.${patch}${snapshot ? '.SNAPSHOT' : ''}"
-	}
-@ToString(includes=['name','shortName','buildVersion','imageId','deployName'],includeNames= true)
-class BranchInfo {
-	def name
-	def stream = "none"
-	def buildNumber = ""
-	def changeset = ""
-	def version
-	BranchInfo(name = null) {
- = name
-		if (!name) {
- = determineName() ?: ''
-		}
- ='@', '-')
-		determineStream()
-		buildNumber = System.getenv('bamboo_buildNumber') ?: ""
-		changeset = System.getenv('bamboo_planRepository_revision') ?: ""
-	}
-	String getDefaultDependencyStatus() {
-		return isRelease() ? 'release' : 'integration'
-	}
-	private boolean isRelease() {
-		return stream in ['release', 'hotfix']
-	}
-	def getShortName() {
-		def result = name.contains('/') ? name.split('/')[1] : name
-	}
-	String getBuildVersion() {
-		def v = isRelease() ? shortName - "v": ""
-		return v
-	}
-	def Version getVersion() {
-		if (!version) {
-			if (isRelease()) {
-				version = new Version(*getBuildVersion().split('\\.')*.toInteger(), false)
-			} else {
-				version = findSnapshotVersion()
-			}
-		}
-		return version
-	}
-	def getImageId() {
-		(buildVersion ?:  shortName.take(25)) + (buildNumber ? "-${buildNumber}" : "-0")
-	}
-	def getDeployName() {
-		(buildVersion ?:  shortName.take(25)).toLowerCase().collectReplacements {
-			('a'..'z').contains(it) || ('0'..'9').contains(it) || it == "-" ? null : '-'
-		}
-	}
-	def getHash() {
-		generateMD5(name)
-	}
-	def generateMD5(String s) {
-		def digest ="MD5")
-		digest.update(s.bytes);
-		new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16).padLeft(32, '0')
-	}
-	private findSnapshotVersion() {
-		def versions = "hg branches --closed".execute().text.split('\n').findAll {
-			it.startsWith( 'release') || it.startsWith( 'hotfix')
-		}.collect {
-			it.replaceAll('\\s+',' ').split(' ')[0].split('/')[1] - 'v'
-		}.collect {
-			new Version(*it.split('\\.')*.toInteger(),true)
-		}.sort { v1, v2 -> v2 <=> v1 }
-		return versions ?  versions.first().nextSnapshot() : new Version().nextSnapshot()
-	}
-	def determineName()  {
-		try {
-			def branch = "hg branch".execute().text.trim()
-			def rawParents = 'hg parents'.execute().text
-			def parent = rawParents.split('\n').find { it.startsWith("branch") }?.split(":")?.getAt(1)?.trim()
-			return parent ?: branch
-		} catch (e) {
-			['.hg/branch', '../.hg/branch'].findResult {
-				new File(it).exists() ? new File(it).text : null
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	void determineStream() {
-		def flowConfig = new File('.hgflow').exists() ? new File('.hgflow') : new File('../.hgflow')
-		if (flowConfig.exists()) {
-			def flows = new Properties()
-			flows.load(flowConfig.newReader())
-			flows.stringPropertyNames().each {
-				if (!it.startsWith("[") && name.startsWith(flows.getProperty(it))) {
-					stream = it
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file