# HG changeset patch
# User smith@nwoca.org
# Date 1307623716 14400
# Node ID c1619b87800e7fa1fdc256a557672aff793a52a5
# Parent  f1144aa0c01b4b57789f66041c546ea53a9e3e01
CM-127: Improve handling of differnt styles of NB projects jvmargs

diff -r f1144aa0c01b -r c1619b87800e jacoco-ant.xml
--- a/jacoco-ant.xml	Tue Jun 07 21:44:14 2011 -0400
+++ b/jacoco-ant.xml	Thu Jun 09 08:48:36 2011 -0400
@@ -37,10 +37,18 @@
         <jacoco:agent property="jacoco.coverage.agent"
-        <var name="runmain.jvmargs.jacoco" value="${runmain.jvmargs}"/>
-        <var name="runmain.jvmargs" value="${jacoco.coverage.agent} ${runmain.jvmargs.jacoco}"/>  
-        <echoproperties prefix="jacoco"/>
-        <echoproperties prefix="runmain"/>
+        <if><isset property="runmain.jvmargs"/>
+            <then>
+                <var name="runmain.jvmargs.jacoco" value="${runmain.jvmargs}"/>
+                <var name="runmain.jvmargs" value="${jacoco.coverage.agent} ${runmain.jvmargs.jacoco}"/>  
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <if><isset property="run.jvmargs"/>
+            <then>
+                <var name="run.jvmargs.jacoco" value="${run.jvmargs}"/>
+                <var name="run.jvmargs" value="${jacoco.coverage.agent} ${run.jvmargs.jacoco}"/>  
+            </then>
+        </if>
     <target name="coverage.xml"