- TL-34: Allow sonar to publish failing tests (ant 1.8.1+)2011-04-11, by smith
- TL-34: Switch to Jacoco for coverage analysis.2011-04-10, by smith
- TL-34: Scripts for sonar integration2011-04-08, by smith
- add sonar with clover coverage2011-04-07, by smith
- inital sonar-ant script to publish metrics to Sonar server2011-04-05, by smith
- TL-33 updated virtual repository reference2011-03-10, by aldrich
- CM-125: Correct problem that may have prevented ivy from detecting changes in snapshots.2011-01-15, by smith
- CM-125: Fix reference to bundle name attribute2011-01-15, by smith
- CM-125: Ant script to assist creating OSGI jars.2011-01-15, by smith
- CM-125: Update ivy resolve to create Ant properties for resolved modules with version.2011-01-15, by smith
- TL-32: Modify iivy-ant to retrieve 'runtime' conf for web libraries.2011-01-11, by smith
- TL-32: Add task (ssdt:properties) to create properties file in any directory.2010-12-30, by smith
- TL-32: Add .hgignore file.2010-12-28, by smith
- Add common task for initialiaing groovy ant task.2010-12-28, by smith
- TL-32: Add task for creating test properties.2010-12-26, by smith
- move netbeans-copylibs jar to .ssdt instead of .ant/lib2010-12-23, by smith
- TL-32: Add netbean's copylib task jar and script to acquire it.2010-12-23, by smith
- Move groovy -do-test-run target into groovy script2010-12-23, by smith
- TL-32: Modify for compatiblity with NB 6.9.12010-12-18, by smith
- TL-32: Add groovy and and allow scripts to "required" a script to be imported separately.2010-12-18, by smith
- TL-32: Refactor ivy include for non-ivy based projects.2010-12-18, by smith
- TL-32: Attempt to handle working off-line2010-12-18, by smith
- TL-32: Add default ivy settings and update fetch typedef.2010-12-17, by smith
- TL-32: Update ssdt-common-build to remove obsolte tasks and remove CVS assumptions.2010-12-17, by smith
- add globally common ant scripts2010-12-17, by smith
- Test proof of importing2010-12-16, by smith
- Test proof of importing2010-12-16, by smith
- Initial bootstrap2010-12-16, by smith
- Readme file.2010-12-16, by smith