Mercurial > public > develkit
comparison init50-github.gradle @ 350:b8d368020501
Add github version of init50
author | Marc Davis <> |
date | Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:17:00 -0400 (19 months ago) |
parents | |
children | c57a1da032ec |
349:45fc06cbb6b2 | 350:b8d368020501 |
1 import groovy.transform.Sortable | |
2 import groovy.transform.ToString | |
3 import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor | |
4 import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion | |
5 | |
6 buildscript { | |
7 repositories { | |
8 maven { url '' } | |
9 maven { url '' } | |
10 } | |
11 } | |
12 | |
13 // buildScan { termsOfServiceUrl = ''; termsOfServiceAgree = 'yes' } | |
14 | |
15 final GradleVersion gradleCurrent = GradleVersion.current() | |
16 final GradleVersion gradleV50 = GradleVersion.version('5.0') | |
17 | |
18 if (gradleCurrent < gradleV50) { | |
19 throw new RuntimeException("this init script requires Gradle version 5.0 or higher") | |
20 } | |
21 | |
22 gradle.ext.ssdtDevelkitLocation = gradle.ext.has('ssdtDevelkitLocation') ? gradle.ssdtDevelkitLocation : '' | |
23 | |
24 System.getProperty('user.home') + "/.ssdt/") | |
25 gradle.ext.ivyUserDir =['ivy.default.ivy.user.dir'] ?: System.getProperty('user.home') + "/.ivy2" | |
26 | |
27 gradle.ext.ssdtProjectId = System.getenv('bamboo_project_id') ?: | |
28 | |
29 gradle.addListener(new ArtifactoryGradleSettings()) | |
30 | |
31 def hostname | |
32 try { | |
33 hostname = "hostname".execute().text.toLowerCase().readLines().first() | |
34 } catch (e) { | |
35 hostname = 'unknown' | |
36 } | |
37 | |
38 gradle.ext.bambooBuild = System.getenv().any { | |
39 it.key.toLowerCase().contains('bamboo') | |
40 } || hostname?.startsWith('ssdt-ba') | |
41 | |
42 if (!rootProject.hasProperty("bambooLocalBuild")) { | |
43 gradle.ext.bambooLocalBuild = false | |
44 } else { | |
45 gradle.ext.bambooLocalBuild = rootProject.bambooLocalBuild.toBoolean() | |
46 } | |
47 | |
48 if (gradle.bambooLocalBuild) { | |
49 println "Bamboo local build active" | |
50 } | |
51 | |
52 gradle.ext.bambooPlan = (System.getenv('BAMBOO_PLAN') ?: 'UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN-JOB1').split('-')[0..1].join('-') | |
53 "Bamboo plan: ${gradle.bambooPlan}" | |
54 | |
55 gradle.ext.buildTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis().toString().padLeft(14, '0') | |
56 | |
57 gradle.ext.hgRepositoryUrl = "" | |
58 | |
59 try { | |
60 gradle.ext.hgRepositoryUrl = ("hg path".execute().text.split('=') ?: ['', ''])[1].trim() | |
61 } catch (e) { | |
62 } | |
63 | |
64 def springModuleTranslator = [ | |
65 'spring-transaction': 'spring-tx', | |
66 'spring-web-servlet': 'spring-webmvc', | |
67 ].withDefault { it } | |
68 | |
69 gradle.ext.normalizeSpring = { DependencyResolveDetails details -> | |
70 if ( == 'org.springframework' &&'org.springframework.')) { | |
71 def shortName = springModuleTranslator['org.springframework.', 'spring-').replace('.', '-')] | |
72 details.useTarget(group: 'org.springframework', name: shortName, version: details.requested.version) | |
73 } | |
74 if ( == '' &&'org.springframework.')) { | |
75 def shortName = springModuleTranslator['org.springframework.', 'spring-').replace('.', '-')] | |
76 details.useTarget("${}:$shortName:${details.requested.version}") | |
77 } | |
78 } | |
79 | |
80 gradle.ext.runtimeInfo = new RuntimeInfo() | |
81 | |
82 | |
83 if (System.env.DOCKER_HOST ) { | |
84 if (System.env.DOCKER_HOST.contains('tcp:')) { | |
85 gradle.ext.dockerEngineUrl = "https:${System.env.DOCKER_HOST?.minus('tcp:')}" | |
86 } | |
87 gradle.ext.dockerEngineUrl = System.env.DOCKER_HOST | |
88 } | |
89 | |
90 setBranchInfo() | |
91 | |
92 loadEnvironments() | |
93 | |
94 gradle.environment.put('hgRepositoryUrl', gradle.hgRepositoryUrl) | |
95 gradle.environment.put('branchName', | |
96 gradle.environment.put('branchStream', | |
97 gradle.environment.put('branchHash', gradle.branch.hash) | |
98 | |
99 | |
100 def cacheTimeout = 60 * 60 * 8 | |
101 if (gradle.environment['dependencyTimeout']) { | |
102 cacheTimeout = gradle.environment['dependencyTimeout'] as Integer | |
103 println "setting changing dependency timeout to $cacheTimeout seconds" | |
104 } | |
105 | |
106 gradle.ext.cacheTimeout = cacheTimeout | |
107 | |
108 rootProject.ext.indyCapable = { | |
109 boolean capable = true | |
110 try { | |
111 Class.forName('java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle') | |
112 } catch (e) { | |
113 capable = false | |
114 } | |
115 capable && !rootProject.hasProperty('skipIndy') | |
116 } | |
117 | |
118 rootProject.ext.useIndy = { | |
119 boolean indy = false | |
120 // first, check if a system property activates indy support | |
121 indy |= System.hasProperty('indy') && Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty('indy')) | |
122 | |
123 // check ssdt environment for indy property. | |
124 indy |= (gradle.environment.indy) ? gradle.environment.indy.toBoolean() : false | |
125 | |
126 // check if the main project has an extension property setting indy (-Pindy). | |
127 if (rootProject.hasProperty('indy')) { | |
128 indy = (Boolean.valueOf(rootProject.indy)) | |
129 } | |
130 | |
131 // set the groovy runtime system property to ensure forked junit test will get the indy flag properly | |
132 if (indy && rootProject.indyCapable()) System.setProperty("", "true") | |
133 | |
134 indy && rootProject.indyCapable() | |
135 } | |
136 | |
137 println "Indy available: ${rootProject.indyCapable()} enabled: ${rootProject.useIndy()}" | |
138 | |
139 if (gradle.bambooBuild) { | |
140 | |
141 file('build-number.txt').text = "build.number=${gradle.branch.buildNumber ?: -1 }\n" | |
142 "applying SSDT artifactory Gradle Settings (bamboo: $gradle.bambooBuild host: $hostname)" | |
143 apply from: "${gradle.ssdtDevelkitLocation}/artifactory40.gradle" | |
144 } | |
145 | |
146 if (!rootProject.hasProperty('disableMetrics')) { | |
147 apply from: "${gradle.ssdtDevelkitLocation}/metrics50.gradle" | |
148 } | |
149 | |
150 rootProject.afterEvaluate { r -> | |
151 if (gradle.bambooBuild && r.hasProperty('requireJavaVersion')) { | |
152 gradle.runtimeInfo.requireJava( r.getProperty('requireJavaVersion') ) | |
153 } | |
154 if (!gradle.bambooBuild && !r.file('.idea/copyright/ODE.xml').exists() ) { | |
155 updateCopyrightProfile(r) | |
156 } | |
157 } | |
158 | |
159 def findComponent(project, name) { | |
160 project.component.find { it.@name == name } | |
161 } | |
162 | |
163 wrapper { | |
164 distributionType = org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper.Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL | |
165 } | |
166 | |
167 allprojects { | |
168 | |
169 configurations.all { | |
170 resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor gradle.cacheTimeout, 'seconds' | |
171 resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor gradle.cacheTimeout, 'seconds' | |
172 } | |
173 configurations.all { | |
174 resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details -> | |
175 if ( == 'org.ssdt_ohio' && !details.requested.version ) { | |
176 details.useVersion( "latest.${gradle.branch.defaultDependencyStatus}" ) | |
177 } | |
178 if (details.requested.version == 'default') { | |
179 details.useVersion("latest.${gradle.branch.defaultDependencyStatus}" ) | |
180 } | |
181 if (project.hasProperty("overrideCommon")) { | |
182 if ( == 'org.ssdt_ohio' &&'ssdt.common.')) { | |
183 details.useVersion(project.overrideCommon) | |
184 } | |
185 } | |
186 if (project.hasProperty("overrideVui")) { | |
187 if ( == 'org.ssdt_ohio' &&'vui.')) { | |
188 details.useVersion(project.overrideVui) | |
189 } | |
190 } | |
191 if (project.hasProperty("overrideUsasCore")) { | |
192 if ( == 'org.ssdt_ohio' &&'usas.') && !'usas.vui')) { | |
193 details.useVersion(project.overrideUsasCore) | |
194 } | |
195 } | |
196 if (project.hasProperty("overrideUspsCore")) { | |
197 if ( == 'org.ssdt_ohio' &&'usps.') && !'usps.vui')) { | |
198 details.useVersion(project.overrideUspsCore) | |
199 } | |
200 } | |
201 | |
202 } | |
203 } | |
204 | |
205 task cleanLocal(description: "removes all artifacts from developer's local repository") { | |
206 | |
207 doLast { | |
208 def local = project.repositories.find { == 'local' } | |
209 if (local) { | |
210 "removing local repo: $it" | |
211 new File(['user.home'] + "/.ssdt/local-repo").deleteDir() | |
212 def localDir = new File(gradle.ivyUserDir + "/local") | |
213 localDir.deleteDir() | |
214 "verifying removal of local repo" | |
215 if (localDir.exists()) { | |
216 throw new org.gradle.api.GradleException("Unable to clean ${localDir}. Files may be locked by another process.") | |
217 } | |
218 } | |
219 } | |
220 } | |
221 | |
222 cleanLocal.onlyIf { | |
223 project.repositories.any { == 'local' } | |
224 } | |
225 | |
226 project.ext.previousBuildenv = project.file('build/buildenv.txt').exists() ? project.file('build/buildenv.txt').text : 'none' | |
227 | |
228 tasks.addRule("Pattern: <environment>As[Test]Properties: Generates <environment>.properties as resource or Test resource") { String taskName -> | |
229 if ((taskName - 'Test').endsWith("AsProperties") && !taskName.startsWith('clean')) { | |
230 // def t = taskName.contains('Test') ? processTestResources.destinationDir : processResources.destinationDir | |
231 def t = taskName.contains('Test') ? sourceSets.test.output.resourcesDir : sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir | |
232 def e = (taskName - 'Test' - 'AsProperties').capitalize() | |
233 task(taskName) { | |
234 ext.outputDir = t | |
235 ext.propertyFile = "${e.toLowerCase()}.properties" | |
236 ext.buildenv = project.file('build/buildenv.txt') | |
237 inputs.files project.file("../environment${e}.groovy"), project.file("../private${e}.groovy"), project.file('../') | |
238 outputs.files new File(outputDir,propertyFile), buildenv | |
239 outputs.upToDateWhen { | |
240 gradle.env == project.previousBuildenv && outputs.getFiles().every { it.exists() } | |
241 } | |
242 doLast { | |
243 t.mkdirs() | |
244 outputDir.mkdirs() | |
245 buildenv.text = gradle.env | |
246 def ps = gradle."environment${e}".toProperties() | |
247 ps['ssdt.project'] = | |
248 def pf = new File(outputDir,propertyFile) | |
249 ext.outputPropertyFile = pf | |
250, "by $taskName of $this") | |
251 def l = pf.readLines().sort() | |
252 pf.text = l.join('\n').replaceAll("\\.PARENT","") | |
253 } | |
254 } | |
255 } | |
256 } | |
257 | |
258 } | |
259 | |
260 subprojects { | |
261 | |
262 it.ext.environment = gradle.environment | |
263 | |
264 dependencyLocking { | |
265 if (gradle.branch.isRelease()) { | |
266 lockAllConfigurations() | |
267 } | |
268 } | |
269 | |
270 task("releaseLock" ) { | |
271 description = "Create release dependencies Lock files" | |
272 doFirst { | |
273 assert gradle.startParameter.writeDependencyLocks : "must include --write-locks or --update-locks option when locking dependencies" | |
274 } | |
275 doLast { | |
276 | |
277 if (!gradle.branch.isRelease()) { | |
278 throw new BuildCancelledException("releaseLock is only valid on release or hotfix branch.") | |
279 } | |
280 | |
281 configurations.findAll { | |
282 it.canBeResolved | |
283 }.findAll { c -> | |
284 def n = | |
285 ['compile','runtime','provided'].any { n.contains(it) } | |
286 }.each { | |
287 it.resolve() | |
288 } | |
289 } | |
290 } | |
291 | |
292 } | |
293 | |
294 rootProject.afterEvaluate { | |
295 | |
296 tasks.addRule("release{Major|Minor|Patch|n.n.n}: create release branch or update release Lock file") { String taskName -> | |
297 | |
298 def matcher = (taskName =~ /^release(Major|Minor|Patch|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/) | |
299 if (matcher.matches()) { | |
300 | |
301 task('doReleaseBranch') { | |
302 ext.requested = matcher[0][1].toLowerCase() | |
303 doLast { | |
304 def releaseVersion = determineReleaseVersion(requested) | |
305 def releaseStream = releaseVersion.isHotfix() ? 'hotfix' : 'release' | |
306 | |
307 println "-" * 60 | |
308 println "Preparing to create branch\n" | |
309 println "\tproject:\t${}" | |
310 println "\tcurrent:\t${gradle.branch} ($gradle.branch.version)" | |
311 println() | |
312 println "\ttype :\t${releaseStream.toUpperCase()}" | |
313 println "\tversion:\t${releaseVersion}" | |
314 println "\ttarget :\t${releaseStream}/v${releaseVersion}" | |
315 println() | |
316 println("-" * 60) | |
317 println "DRY RUN".center(60) | |
318 println("-" * 60) | |
319 | |
320 println "hg flow ${releaseStream} start v${releaseVersion} --dirty --dry-run".execute().text | |
321 | |
322 println "-" * 60 | |
323 | |
324 if (!confirmPrompt("Continue?")) { | |
325 throw new BuildCancelledException("release branching canceled by user request") | |
326 } | |
327 | |
328 println "hg flow ${releaseStream} start v${releaseVersion} --dirty".execute().text | |
329 println "hg update ${releaseStream}/v${releaseVersion}".execute().text | |
330 | |
331 setBranchInfo() | |
332 | |
333 println "-" * 60 | |
334 println " Be sure to execute 'releaseLock' task to update the release.lock file before proceeding." | |
335 println "-" * 60 | |
336 | |
337 } | |
338 } | |
339 | |
340 | |
341 def branchTasks = ['doReleaseBranch'] | |
342 | |
343 task(taskName) { | |
344 dependsOn branchTasks | |
345 } | |
346 | |
347 branchTasks.tail().inject(branchTasks.head()) { a, b -> | |
348 tasks[b].mustRunAfter a | |
349 b | |
350 } | |
351 | |
352 } | |
353 } | |
354 | |
355 } | |
356 | |
357 private static String readLine(String message, String defaultValue = null) { | |
358 String _message = "> $message" + (defaultValue ? " [$defaultValue] " : "") | |
359 if (System.console()) { | |
360 return System.console().readLine(_message) ?: defaultValue | |
361 } | |
362 println "$_message " | |
363 | |
364 ?: defaultValue | |
365 } | |
366 | |
367 private static boolean confirmPrompt(String message, boolean defaultValue = false) { | |
368 String defaultStr = defaultValue ? 'Y' : 'n' | |
369 String consoleVal = readLine("${message} (Y|n)", defaultStr) | |
370 if (consoleVal) { | |
371 return consoleVal.toLowerCase().startsWith('y') | |
372 } | |
373 | |
374 defaultValue | |
375 } | |
376 | |
377 private Version determineReleaseVersion(String requested) { | |
378 if (requested == 'major') { | |
379 return gradle.branch.version.nextMajor() | |
380 } else if (requested == 'minor') { | |
381 return gradle.branch.version.nextMinor() | |
382 } else if (requested == 'patch') { | |
383 return gradle.branch.version.nextPatch() | |
384 } else { | |
385 return new Version(*requested.split(/\./)*.toInteger(), false) | |
386 } | |
387 } | |
388 | |
389 class ArtifactoryGradleSettings extends BuildAdapter implements BuildListener { | |
390 | |
391 def void projectsEvaluated(Gradle gradle) { | |
392 def ssdtArtifactory = '' | |
393 Project root = gradle.getRootProject() | |
394 | |
395 | |
396 def branchVersioning = gradle.rootProject.version == 'unspecified' | |
397 | |
398 root.allprojects { | |
399 | |
400 def thisProject = delegate | |
401 thisProject.status = 'integration' | |
402 if (gradle.branchStream) { | |
403 if (branchVersioning) { | |
404 thisProject.version = gradle.branch.version | |
405 thisProject.status = gradle.branch.defaultDependencyStatus | |
406 } else { | |
407 | |
408 thisProject.status = 'integration' | |
409 def fixupVersion = thisProject.version - ".SNAPSHOT" | |
410 if (gradle.branchStream == 'feature') { | |
411 fixupVersion = fixupVersion + ".SNAPSHOT" | |
412 } | |
413 if (gradle.branchStream == 'develop') { | |
414 fixupVersion = fixupVersion + ".SNAPSHOT" | |
415 } | |
416 if (gradle.branchStream in ['production', 'release', 'hotfix']) { | |
417 thisProject.status = 'release' | |
418 } | |
419 thisProject.version = fixupVersion | |
420 } | |
421 } | |
422 | |
423 repositories { | |
424 | |
425 if (!gradle.bambooBuild || gradle.bambooLocalBuild) { | |
426 ivy { | |
427 name = 'local' | |
428 artifactPattern gradle.ivyUserDir + '/local/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]' | |
429 ivyPattern gradle.ivyUserDir + "/local/[module]-ivy-[revision].xml" | |
430 } | |
431 } | |
432 | |
433 if (!gradle.bambooBuild) { | |
434 mavenLocal() | |
435 } | |
436 | |
437 if (gradle.branchStream == 'feature') { | |
438 ivy { | |
439 name = 'ssdt-branches' | |
440 url = "${ssdtArtifactory}/ssdt-branches/${gradle.branchHash}/" | |
441 patternLayout() { | |
442 artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[module]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" | |
443 ivy "[organization]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" | |
444 } | |
445 } | |
446 } | |
447 | |
448 ivy { | |
449 name = 'ssdt-releases' | |
450 url = "${ssdtArtifactory}/ssdt-releases" | |
451 patternLayout() { | |
452 artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[module]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" | |
453 artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" | |
454 ivy "[organization]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" | |
455 m2compatible = true | |
456 } | |
457 } | |
458 | |
459 ivy { | |
460 name = 'ssdt-snapshots' | |
461 url = "${ssdtArtifactory}/ssdt-snapshots" | |
462 patternLayout() { | |
463 artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[module]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" | |
464 artifact "[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" | |
465 ivy "[organization]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" | |
466 m2compatible = true | |
467 } | |
468 } | |
469 | |
470 maven { | |
471 name = 'ssdt-repository' | |
472 url = "${ssdtArtifactory}/repository" | |
473 } | |
474 | |
475 } | |
476 | |
477 def remoteRepos = thisProject.repositories.findAll { it.hasProperty('url') && !('local') || it.url.toString().contains('ssdt')) } | |
478 if (remoteRepos) { | |
479 logger.warn "WARNING: Remote repositories configured for $thisProject:\n" + remoteRepos.collect { "\t$ $it.url " }.join('\n') + "\n Moved to lowest priority..." | |
480 remoteRepos.each { | |
481 thisProject.repositories.remove(it) | |
482 thisProject.repositories.addLast(it) | |
483 } | |
484 } | |
485 "$thisProject configured repositories:\n" + thisProject.repositories.collect {"\t$ ${it.hasProperty('url') ? it.url : '' }" }.join('\n') | |
486 | |
487 if (thisProject.repositories.find { == 'local' } && thisProject.getTasksByName('uploadArchives', false)) { | |
488 uploadArchives { | |
489 repositories { | |
490 add thisProject.repositories.local | |
491 } | |
492 } | |
493 | |
494 thisProject.tasks.create("publishLocal") { | |
495 description = "Publishes this projects artifacts to developer's local repository" | |
496 dependsOn = ["uploadArchives"] | |
497 } | |
498 } | |
499 | |
500 } | |
501 | |
502 root.subprojects { p -> | |
503 if (root.useIndy()) { | |
504 println "enabling indy compilation on $p" | |
505 [compileGroovy.groovyOptions, compileTestGroovy.groovyOptions]*.with { | |
506 optimizationOptions = [indy: true] | |
507 } | |
508 } | |
509 } | |
510 } | |
511 } | |
512 | |
513 | |
514 task showEnvironments { | |
515 | |
516 doLast { | |
517 println "Defined environments: $gradle.environments" | |
518 gradle.environments.each { e -> | |
519 println "\n $e:" | |
520 gradle.getProperty(e).flatten().sort { it.key }.each { k, v -> | |
521 println String.format(' %25s = %s', k, k.contains('password') ? "********" : v) | |
522 } | |
523 } | |
524 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { | |
525 println "System properties:" | |
526 { println " $it" } | |
527 println "env variables:" | |
528 System.getenv().each { println " $it" } | |
529 } | |
530 } | |
531 } | |
532 | |
533 def loadEnvironments() { | |
534 def developerPrivate = new Properties() | |
535 if (file('').exists()) { | |
536 developerPrivate.load(file('').newReader()) | |
537 } | |
538 def envOverrides = [:] | |
539 | |
540 if (!hasProperty('env')) { | |
541 gradle.ext.env = developerPrivate.env ?: 'dev' | |
542 } else { | |
543 def values = getProperty('env').split(',') | |
544 gradle.ext.env = values.first() | |
545 values.tail().each { | |
546 def (k, v) = it.split('=') | |
547 envOverrides.put(k, v) | |
548 } | |
549 } | |
550 | |
551 println "Environment is: $gradle.env ($envOverrides)" | |
552 def slurper = new ConfigSlurper(gradle.env) | |
553 slurper.setBinding(['gradle': gradle]) | |
554 | |
555 def environment = slurper.parse( | |
556 '''deploy.mode="production" | |
557 environments { | |
558 test { deploy.mode="test" } | |
559 dev { deploy.mode="development"} | |
560 }''') | |
561 if (developerPrivate['deploy.mode']) { | |
562 environment.put('deploy.mode', developerPrivate['deploy.mode']) | |
563 } | |
564 | |
565 environment.put('branchInfo',gradle.branch) | |
566 environment.put('branchVersion',gradle.branch.version.toString()) | |
567 def environments = [] | |
568 gradle.ext.environment = environment | |
569 file('.').listFiles().findAll { ==~ /^environment.*\.groovy$/ }.sort { }.each { envFile -> | |
570 def envName = - '.groovy' | |
571 def privateFile = file("private" + envName - "environment" + ".groovy") | |
572"loading environment $") | |
573 | |
574 def envCfg = slurper.parse(envFile.toURL()) | |
575 envCfg.merge(slurper.parse(developerPrivate)) | |
576 envCfg.put('ssdt.projectid', gradle.ssdtProjectId) | |
577 envCfg.put('ssdt.environment', gradle.env) | |
578 if (privateFile.exists()) { | |
579"loading private environment $privateFile") | |
580 envCfg.merge(slurper.parse(privateFile.toURL())) | |
581 } | |
582 | |
583 gradle.rootProject.getProperties().find { it.key.startsWith('environment') }.each { | |
584 it.value.split(',').each { p -> | |
585 def (k, v) = p.split('=') | |
586"$envName: overriding " + k + "=" + v + " in $it") | |
587 envCfg.put(k, v) | |
588 } | |
589 } | |
590 | |
591 envOverrides.each { k, v -> | |
592"$envName: overriding " + k + "=" + v) | |
593 envCfg.put(k, v) | |
594 } | |
595 environment.merge(envCfg) | |
596 if (envName != 'environment') { | |
597 gradle.ext[envName] = envCfg | |
598 environments << envName | |
599 } | |
600 } | |
601 environment.merge(slurper.parse(developerPrivate)) | |
602 def deployMode = environment.deploy.mode ?: 'development' | |
603 environments.each { gradle.ext[it].put('ssdt.deployment.mode', deployMode) } | |
604 environments << 'environment' | |
605 gradle.ext.environments = environments | |
606 | |
607 } | |
608 | |
609 def updateCopyrightProfile(Project r) { | |
610 r.file('.idea/copyright').mkdirs() | |
611 r.file('.idea/copyright/ODE.xml').text = | |
612 '''<component name="CopyrightManager"> | |
613 <copyright> | |
614 <option name="notice" value="Copyright (c) &#36;today.year. Ohio Department of Education. - All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying of this file, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. Written by the State Software Development Team ( " /> | |
615 <option name="myName" value="ODE" /> | |
616 </copyright> | |
617 </component>''' | |
618 | |
619 r.file('.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml').text = | |
620 '''<component name="CopyrightManager"> | |
621 <settings default="ODE" /> | |
622 </component>''' | |
623 | |
624 } | |
625 | |
626 @ToString(includeNames=true) | |
627 class RuntimeInfo { | |
628 // OS memory in megabytes, zero if unknown | |
629 int systemMemory = 0 | |
630 int systemFreeMemory = 0 | |
631 String javaVersion = System.getProperty('java.version') | |
632 | |
633 RuntimeInfo() { | |
634 try { | |
635 new File('/proc/meminfo').readLines().findAll { it.startsWith 'Mem' }.collect { it.split(/\s+/) }.each { | |
636 int value = (it[1] as Long) / 1024 | |
637 if (it[0].startsWith('MemTotal')) { systemMemory = value } | |
638 if (it[0].startsWith('MemFree')) { systemFreeMemory = value } | |
639 } | |
640 | |
641 } catch (e) { } | |
642 | |
643 } | |
644 | |
645 void requireMemory(int megabytes) { | |
646 if (systemFreeMemory > 0 && systemFreeMemory < megabytes) { | |
647 println "WARNING: potentially insufficent OS memory for this build" | |
648 // throw new GradleException("insufficent free OS memory for this build (available: ${systemFreeMemory}m, required: ${megabytes}m)") | |
649 } | |
650 } | |
651 /** | |
652 * Returns maximum memory available upto the value specified. | |
653 */ | |
654 int maxMemory(int megabytes) { | |
655 if (systemFreeMemory) { | |
656 [systemFreeMemory,megabytes].min() | |
657 } else { megabytes } | |
658 | |
659 } | |
660 | |
661 void requireJava(String version) { | |
662 | |
663 if ( version && !javaVersion.startsWith(version)) { | |
664 throw new GradleException("Requires java version $version but running under $javaVersion") | |
665 } | |
666 } | |
667 | |
668 } | |
669 | |
670 | |
671 @TupleConstructor | |
672 @Sortable | |
673 class Version { | |
674 | |
675 Integer major = 0 | |
676 Integer minor = 0 | |
677 Integer patch = 0 | |
678 Boolean snapshot = true | |
679 | |
680 Integer previousMinor = 0 | |
681 Integer previousPatch = 0 | |
682 | |
683 Version nextMajor() { | |
684 new Version(major + 1, 0, 0, false) | |
685 } | |
686 | |
687 Version nextMinor() { | |
688 if (snapshot) { | |
689 new Version(major, minor , 0,false) | |
690 } else { | |
691 new Version(major, minor + 1, 0,false) | |
692 } | |
693 } | |
694 | |
695 Version nextPatch() { | |
696 if (snapshot) { | |
697 new Version(major, previousMinor, previousPatch + 1,false) | |
698 } | |
699 } | |
700 | |
701 Version nextSnapshot() { | |
702 new Version(major, minor + 1, 0,true,minor,patch) | |
703 } | |
704 | |
705 boolean isHotfix() { | |
706 !snapshot && patch > 0 | |
707 } | |
708 | |
709 String toString() { | |
710 "${major}.${minor}.${patch}${snapshot ? '.SNAPSHOT' : ''}" | |
711 } | |
712 | |
713 } | |
714 | |
715 void setBranchInfo() { | |
716 gradle.ext.branch = new BranchInfo(System.getenv('ssdt_head_ref')) | |
717 gradle.ext.branchName = | |
718 gradle.ext.branchStream = | |
719 gradle.ext.branchHash = gradle.branch.hash | |
720 println "${gradle.hgRepositoryUrl} ${gradle.branch} ${gradle.branch.version}" | |
721 } | |
722 | |
723 | |
724 class BranchInfo { | |
725 def name | |
726 def stream = "none" | |
727 def buildNumber = "" | |
728 def changeset = "" | |
729 def version | |
730 | |
731 String toString() { | |
732 "{name:$name, stream:$stream, buildNumber:$buildNumber, changeSet:$changeset, version:$version}" | |
733 } | |
734 | |
735 BranchInfo(name) { | |
736 = name | |
737 if (!name) { | |
738 = determineName() ?: '' | |
739 } | |
740 ='@', '-') | |
741 determineStream() | |
742 buildNumber = System.getenv('ssdt_run_number') ?: "" | |
743 changeset = System.getenv('ssdt_sha') ?: "" | |
744 } | |
745 | |
746 String getDefaultDependencyStatus() { | |
747 return isRelease() ? 'release' : 'integration' | |
748 } | |
749 | |
750 private boolean isRelease() { | |
751 return stream in ['release', 'hotfix'] | |
752 } | |
753 | |
754 def getShortName() { | |
755 def result = name.contains('/') ? name.split('/')[1] : name | |
756 } | |
757 | |
758 String getBuildVersion() { | |
759 def v = isRelease() ? shortName - "v": "" | |
760 return v | |
761 } | |
762 | |
763 def Version getVersion() { | |
764 if (!version) { | |
765 if (isRelease()) { | |
766 version = new Version(*getBuildVersion().split('\\.')*.toInteger(), false) | |
767 } else { | |
768 version = findSnapshotVersion() | |
769 } | |
770 } | |
771 return version | |
772 } | |
773 | |
774 def getImageId() { | |
775 (buildVersion ?: shortName.take(25)) + (buildNumber ? "-${buildNumber}" : "-0") | |
776 } | |
777 | |
778 def getDeployName() { | |
779 (buildVersion ?: shortName.take(25)).toLowerCase().collectReplacements { | |
780 ('a'..'z').contains(it) || ('0'..'9').contains(it) || it == "-" ? null : '-' | |
781 } | |
782 } | |
783 | |
784 def getHash() { | |
785 generateMD5(name) | |
786 } | |
787 def generateMD5(String s) { | |
788 def digest ="MD5") | |
789 digest.update(s.bytes); | |
790 new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16).padLeft(32, '0') | |
791 } | |
792 | |
793 private Version findSnapshotVersion() { | |
794 println "findSnapshotVersion()" | |
795 try { | |
796 def repositoryUrl = System.getenv('ssdt_repositoryUrl') | |
797 if (repositoryUrl) { | |
798 println "git pull $repositoryUrl".execute().text | |
799 } | |
800 def versions = "git tag".execute().text.split("\n") | |
801 .findAll { it != null || it != "" } | |
802 .collect { it.replace("v", "") } | |
803 .collect { | |
804 Version v = null | |
805 try { | |
806 v = new Version(*it.split('\\.')*.toInteger()) | |
807 return v | |
808 } catch (ignored) { | |
809 //non semver tag found, ignoring | |
810 } | |
811 } | |
812 .findAll { it != null } | |
813 .sort { v1, v2 -> v2 <=> v1 } | |
814 | |
815 def branches = "git branch --all".execute().text.split("\n") | |
816 .findAll {it.contains('release') || it.contains('hotfix') } | |
817 .collect { it.replaceAll('\\s+', ' ').split('/').last() - 'v' } | |
818 .collect { new Version(*it.split('\\.')*.toInteger()) } | |
819 | |
820 def results = (branches + versions).sort { v1, v2 -> v2 <=> v1 } | |
821 if (results.isEmpty()) { | |
822 return new Version().nextSnapshot() | |
823 } else { | |
824 return results.first().nextSnapshot() | |
825 } | |
826 } catch (ex) { | |
827 println ex | |
828 return new Version().nextSnapshot() | |
829 } | |
830 } | |
831 | |
832 def determineName() { | |
833 try { | |
834 def branch = "git branch --show-current".execute().text.trim() | |
835 return branch | |
836 } catch (ignored) { | |
837 return null | |
838 } | |
839 } | |
840 | |
841 /** | |
842 * Try to determine the stream based on hgflow configs | |
843 * git-flow doesn't have a local config, so we may need to keep this | |
844 * file around just for the comparison. | |
845 * | |
846 * A new name for the file could help as well? | |
847 */ | |
848 void determineStream() { | |
849 def flowConfig = new File('.hgflow').exists() ? new File('.hgflow') : new File('../.hgflow') | |
850 if (flowConfig.exists()) { | |
851 def flows = new Properties() | |
852 flows.load(flowConfig.newReader()) | |
853 flows.stringPropertyNames().each { | |
854 if (!it.startsWith("[") && name.startsWith(flows.getProperty(it))) { | |
855 stream = it | |
856 } | |
857 } | |
858 } | |
859 } | |
860 | |
861 } | |
862 | |
863 | |
864 |